Wednesday, April 14, 2010


this Article talks about Millennials a little bit more in depth.  If you were born after 1980,(you probably are if you're reading my blog) you are a Millennial.  It talks about how we are the most racially diverse, least religious, best educated, most tattooed, and most pierced generation ever.  Not all too surprising.  I also felt really proud of us Millennials for the rankings of important things in the chart.

"Despite struggling (and often failing) to find jobs in the teeth of a recession, about nine-in-ten either say that they currently have enough money or that they will eventually meet their long-term financial goals. But at the moment, fully 37% of 18- to 29-year-olds are unemployed or out of the workforce, the highest share among this age group in more than three decades. Research shows that young people who graduate from college in a bad economy typically suffer long-term consequences -- with effects on their careers and earnings that linger as long as 15 years"

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